Why Employers - And Their Employees - Need Online Forms
Online withholding forms allow employees to complete the form (federal, state, and local) using the device of their choice saving paper and headaches.
New hire forms, in their original paper format, are difficult to manage for many reasons. Payroll managers have to keep forms on file for several years, even if the employee has updated or changed their forms. Because of this, storage is an issue. Furthermore, deciphering sloppy handwriting can lead to incorrect withholding and penalties for the employer. If the payroll manager is in a state with locals, like Michigan, the organizational burden is tripled, with state and local forms being added to the requirements, along with the Federal W-4.
This scenario has payroll managers everywhere wondering if there’s a better way.
Wonder no more, there is a better solution. Online withholding forms allow employees to complete the form (federal, state, and local) using the device of their choice. Some options offer a guided process, ensuring employees fill out the correct forms based on their unique tax situation. When an electronic form is completed, there are a variety of ways a payroll professional can access the data - none that include deciphering sloppy handwriting!
For employees, online forms that have a guided process reduce confusion, especially for those in complicated scenarios like military spouses. A system that can automatically choose the form for the user, based on his or her location information and unique identifiers, makes the process of filling out forms as a new hire much easier. When an employee can deliver payroll forms to the payroll manager in a quick, easy, automated, legible method, the employee and payroll manager walk away happy. It’s probably a combination of these items that cause three out of four employees to want to complete their payroll forms online.
The best part about electronic withholding forms, employees deliver them to the payroll processor in the method of their choice. They complete the forms and submit online, with an electronic signature. From there, the data can be printed, emailed, or posted back to the company’s server.
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